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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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Purpose: Clustering and co-word analysis is a method to reveal relationships and links and illustrate the intellectual structure of a scientific field. This research tries to study the intellectual structure of articles in the field of futures studies in Iran by using the technique of co-word analysis. Method: The current research is a descriptive-analytical development with a scientometric approach. The statistical population is 921 articles retrieved records in the field of futures studies. Findings: The findings showed that articles in the field of futures studies in Iran are often associated with positive growth, and in terms of frequency, the keywords scenario, Islamic Republic, and foresight are the most frequent in futures studies. The findings related to the hierarchical clustering led to the formation of 8 clusters in this field, namely "ICT visions", "geographers who love the future", "knowledge development", " Futuristic higher education", "Future of Religion", "Regional Relations", "Strategic Foresight" and "Heavy Weight of Method". Conclusion: According to the findings of the current research and the high frequency of the keyword scenario, as well as the density and relationships of this keyword with other keywords, it can be concluded that the scenario is the dominant approach in futures studies. Also, according to the resulting clusters, it was observed that these researches have a high variety, but addressing the future in many areas is still neglected.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 42

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Qasemi Firouzabadi Narges | Rahimi Sayyidah Vahideh | Rahman Setayesh Muhammad Kazem

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How to profoundly change the beliefs of the polytheists during the age of REVELATION from the denial of the Prophet (pbuh) to the certainty of his Message and the acceptance of his full guardianship is a question worthy of attention. The order of verses about prophecy based on the order of REVELATION is the reason to lead a transformative process and a special Quranic method in institutionalizing the belief of prophecy in the lives of Arabs. In the first stage, the Holy Quran in the first Makkī (Arabic: المکّیّ, suras revealed in Mecca) chapters has prepared the community from the motivational side to accept the truth of the Prophet’s (pbuh) prophecy and briefly stating the key issues surrounding it. The Holy Book of Quran at the time of the emergence of oppositions and doubts (the second stage) destroyed the arguments of the polytheists and explained the prophecy and proved its authenticity from a cognitive perspective in the second stage by presenting clear arguments. and the Holy Book of Quran in the third stage after Madanī (Arabic: المدنیّ, suras revealed in Medina) period has undertaken measures in order to fulfill the goals of the Massage by explaining the true position of the Prophet (pbuh) to deepen and operationalize the Prophetic belief through explaining practical duties for the Prophet (pbuh) and behavior based on the acceptance of Walaya (Arabic: ولایة, meaning “guardianship” or “governance”).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 50

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementing close-up diets with rumen undegradable protein on serum metabolites and the incidence of health disorders of Holstein dairy cows, during the hot season. Eighty-eight multiparous Holstein dairy cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups: low crude protein (14.3% CP; 14CP) and high crude protein (17.1% CP; 17CP) diets. Blood samples were collected weekly from d -30 up to calving and then at 0, 5, 14, and 21 days after calving, for serum metabolites determination.  Cows fed the 17CP diet had higher serum concentrations of albumin, blood urea nitogen, and Mg than 14CP cows during the close-up period. In postpartum, the 17CP cows had higher serum albumin and creatinine and lower free fatty acid, BHB, and glucose concentrations than the 14CP cows. The risk to developing subclinical ketosis (SCK), metritis and endometritis were higher for the 14CP cows than the 17CP cows. Overall, feeding high rumen undegradable protein diet to close-up cows during the hot season increased serum creatinine concentrations and lowered the incidence of SCK and metritis and endometritis postpartum.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 32

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Since the evaluation of the diversity indicators in consumption of medicinal species by the beneficiary’s households and its driving factors is of utmost importance in marketing, multi-purpose planning of rangelands and sustainable development, a questionary-based study was carried out to determine the diversity indices of medicinal species consumption in settled nomadic communities living under different management and livelihood situations in the rangelands of Dyvaroeieh in Bardsir township, Kerman province, Iran. To this end, the medicinal species consumed by each household (as a study unit) in addition to the diversity indicators of consumption (i.e., dominance coefficient and Shannon-Weiner index) were evaluated under two management sites comprising Rangeland Management Plan (RMP) (i.e.,Dvyaroeieh 1) and the nearest adjacent rangeland without RMP (i.e., Dyvaroeieh 2, as control treatment ) and three livelihood levels (i.e., very poor (<50 million Rials monthly income), poor (50-100 million Rials monthly income) and moderate (100-150 million Rials monthly income)) under factorial test in SPSS software environment. The study's results revealed that both of management and livelihood factors can be applied by manager to increase diversity indices in medicinal plants consumed by beneficiaries. More specifically, management through RMP was more powerful and effective tool in this way. Therefore, it could conceivably be argued that RMP can be considered as a driving factor in increasing the diversity of medicinal plant consumption and also be a suitable platform to meet the needs and demands of rangelands’ beneficiaries in this field.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 32

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متن کامل این مقاله به زبان انگلیسی می باشد. لطفا برای مشاهده متن کامل مقاله به بخش انگلیسی مراجعه فرمایید.لطفا برای مشاهده متن کامل این مقاله اینجا را کلیک کنید.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 516

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بهارزاده پروین

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دانستن اسباب نزول آیات و سور، هم چنین مکی و مدنی بودن آن ها، از آن جهت که در کشف معنا و دلالت آیات اهمیت شایان دارد، از جمله مباحث مهم علوم قرآن است. قرآن پژوهان شناخت مکی و مدنی بودن سور و آیات را از دو راه ممکن دانسته اند: طریقی مستند بر سماع و نقل و طریقی دیگر متکی بر قیاس. عوامل متعدد چون: کمبود نصوص؛ اختلاف و تناقض روایات و … ایشان را بر آن داشت تا با توجّه به ویژگی های اسلوبی و سبک و سیاق آیات، قواعد و معیارهایی وضع نمایند تا تشخیص آیات مکی و مدنی را ممکن سازد. با این حال شناخت قطعی و یقین به سبب نزول بسبیاری از آیات هم چنان در پرده ابهام و اختلاف نظر مانده است. یکی از این موارد سوره انسان است که چهار رأی متفاوت را بر تافته است. 1.مدنی بودن سوره با اذعان به سبب نزول خاص. 2.مکی بودن سوره و نفی سبب نزول خاص. 3.مدنی بودن بخش نخست سوره (آیات 1-22) و مکی بودن آیات انتهائی. 4.مکی بودن تمام سوره با اذعان به شأن نزول خاص. در این مقاله آراء فوق بررسی شده است و با امعان نظر به اینکه در بعضی سور و آیات، شأن نزول لزوما به معنی سبب نزول نیست، قول چهارم را موجه تر شمرده است.  

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 1730

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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به باور یهودیان سنتی، کتاب مقدس عبری دارای منشا الاهی است و تماما وحی شمرده می شود. آنان معتقدند این نوشته ها به املای خدا و نیز نگارش حضرت موسی (ع) و دیگر نویسندگان این کتاب ها نوشته شده است. از نگاه آنان، این کتاب از هر گونه خطا و تحریفی پیراسته است. قرآن کریم نیز از کتاب مقدس عبریان یاد می کند و آن را دارای منشای الاهی و وحیانی می داند، خداوند در قرآن کریم می فرماید تورات را تایید و تصدیق می کند (بقره: 53) و آن را محفوظ شده از آسیب و انحراف می داند (اعراف: 150). در مقابل، شماری آیات قرآن کریم و تفاسیر کمی رسمی تر از این آیات، شاید این دریافت را تایید نکنند. این نوشته مدعی است که هرچند قرآن کریم یهودیان را به تحریف معنوی کلام خدا متهم می کند یا اینکه به آنان نسبت جعل می دهد و آنها را افرادی توصیف می کند که کلام خود را به مثابه کلام خدا معرفی می کنند، ولی در آیات قرآن دلالت آشکاری بر اینکه یهودیان تورات را تحریف لفظی می کرده اند وجود ندارد.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 2397

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الگوریتم های درهم ساز ایمن، نوعی از الگوریتم های رمزنگاری هستند که اهمیت آن ها در جامعه امروزی با بروز کاربردهایی مانند استفاده از ابزارهای دیجیتالی شخصی در راستای حفظ محرمانگی پررنگ تر شده اند. از طرفی با پیشرفت تکنولوژی، لزوم پیاده سازی این الگوریتم ها روی بسترهای انعطاف پذیر، می تواند چالش برانگیز باشد. کاهش مساحت و افزایش سرعت اجرای عملیات، چالش های اساسی برای طراحی و پیاده سازی این دسته از الگوریتم ها هستند. در این مقاله یک معماری جدید برای پردازنده مبتنی بر FPGA برای الگوریتم های رمزنگاری سری SHA-2 پیشنهادشده است. در پردازنده پیشنهادی استفاده از واحدهای حافظه و مسیرداده چندپورته وبه دنبال آن عملکرد موازی پردازنده باعث کاهش به کارگیری منابع و افزایش سرعت پردازش داده ها شده است. معماری پردازنده برای الگوریتم های رمزنگاری SHA-2 با زبان VHDL مدل سازی شده و پیاده سازی آن روی بستر FPGA در سری های Virtex توسط نرم افزار ISE انجام شده است. نتایج پیاده سازی نشان می دهند که پردازنده متراکم پیشنهادی در مقایسه با کارهای پیشین با اهداف مشابه، توانسته با %25 افزایش فرکانس کاری برای الگوریتم رمزنگاری SHA-256 و اشغال %55 مساحت کمتر برای الگوریتم رمزنگاری SHA-512 حد مطلوبی از توان عملیاتی و کارایی را نیز حفظ نماید. پردازنده پیشنهادی برای کاربردهایی مانند بسترهای سیار مورد اعتماد (TMP)، واحد پول دیجیتال (Bitcoin) و مسیریابی ایمن در شبکه روی تراشه (NoC) مناسب است.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 736

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Karimi Ahmad | Bozorgkhoo Narges

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Explaining the meaning of “Clear Arabic Language” (Arabic: لسان عربیّ مبین) in the Holy Quran according to the opinions of the commentators (the scholars who interpret the Holy Book of Quran) and the semantic functions of the words is the main issue of this research. Differences of opinion of commentators (Arabic: مفسّر; plural: Arabic: مفسّرون, Romanized: mufassirūn) and citing their views for different reasons necessitated this research. The present article has been studied and evaluated the opinions of the commentators in interpreting the verse and considers their views about “Clear Arabic Language” (Arabic: لسان عربیّ مبین) in four parts. These include: Taḥaddī (Arabic: تحدّی, The Quranic Challenge), the language of the audience and the place of REVELATION, the honor and capacities of the Arabic language, the eloquence and explicitness of the specific language of the Qur'an. The results of the research show that the “Clear Arabic Language” beyond the opinions of the commentators is a common understanding that has revealed the superhuman language of REVELATION through human conversational style and considered the universal characteristics, transhumanism, transhistorical of the Holy Book of Quran while considering the conditions and understanding of the audience. Paying attention to the Quranic meaning of related words and narrations as well as Saussure’s linguistic point of view can confirm the recent meaning.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 39

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The intellect is the distinguishing feature of man from animals which has not been found anything more harmful than wine for intellect and the descent of man into the position of animalism is the result of that. Wine has always been forbidden in the heavenly religions based on this, however, the time and manner of declaring its prohibition in Islam has led to the confrontation of two viewpoints in the instant prohibition with the intoxicate of sleep in the sense of the state of being intoxicated (Arabic: سُکارَی) in verse 4:43 An-Nisāʾ (Arabic: النساء, An-Nisāʾ) and gradual prohibition with the intoxicate of wine. The findings of this research by a library study and descriptive analytical method indicate the accuracy of the theory of instant prohibition with Quranic, narrational proofs and rational confirmations and historical evidence in declaring the prohibition of wine in Makkī (Arabic: المکّیّ, suras revealed in Mecca) verses in early Biʿtha (Arabic: بِعثة) and its emphasizing in verse 5:90 Al-Maʾidah (Arabic: المائدة, Al-Māʾidah). In contrast, the inaccuracy of the theory of gradual prohibition of wine was proved due to its content contradiction and opposition to the Holy Book of Quran, because it is stated, on the one hand, that wine in the first stage was forbidden during the prayer time with the REVELATION of verse 43 of An-Nisāʾ, the sixth Madanī (Arabic: المدنیّ, suras revealed in Medina) surah in order to justify the gradual theory with the gradual rational law, but on the other hand, it is stated to the absolute prohibition of wine in its verse 219 and also in some Makkī verses by violating the law of gradualness, by declaring that Surah Al-Baqarah is one of the first Madanī Chapters (suras) according to consensus that was revealed after the Hijrah (Arabic: الهجرة). Consequently, the occasions or circumstances of REVELATIONs in Sunni exegeses by negation the intoxication of wine in gradual theory have subjective exit from this verse for the motivation of defense of drinking wine of some people and the unjust attribution to others by incorrect justifying the allowance of wine until the REVELATION of verse 43 of An-Nisāʾ in Medina. Therefore, the distinction between declaring the prohibition of wine in Mecca in early Biʿtha and the delay of several years of execution of Ḥadd (fixed punishment) of Khmer (the drinking of alcohol, shurb khamr) in Medina in instant theory, in addition to creating strong motivation in leaving and religious final notice has also been a kind of educational method of Islam. While the announcement of the absolute prohibition of wine at the same time as the implementation of its Ḥadd (fixed punishment) with the REVELATION of verse 90 of Al-Maʾidah from the last Madanī Surahs (Surah Madaniyah) or Madani chapters in the gradual theory is against the educational method expected by them. The unjustifiable consumption of some companions of drinking wine in Medina until the REVELATION of the prohibition verse in addition to the achievement of the Quranic theory of Saib Tabrizi (Persian: صائب تبریزی, Romanized: Ṣāʾib Tabrīzī) is among the consequences of proving instant theory of the prohibition wine.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 34

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